Incredible Evolution Of The Moon Video | Why Our Moon Looks The Way It Does Now

31 sec read

If you look up into the night sky you will see one object looming over all others. Forget the stars, millions of light years away. What about that cold, hard rock that’s close enough to see with the naked eye?

The moon is an ever-present, omnipotent being orbiting our planet, but most of us know little about it. It’s there to light our way at night (by reflecting the sun), and that’s all we need to know.

However, for those who would like to know more about this humble ball of rock which acts as Earth’s satellite, this NASA video will educate and entertain at the same time.

This is stunning, quite frankly, and it shows the pounding the moon has taken over the years. Thankfully the debris that smashed into the moon forming its craters is now mostly gone, otherwise we would have to deal with similar events.

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