Search results for: Snuggie

Countdown – Beyonce Vs. Snuggie Kid Video

The music video to Countdown by Beyonce is pretty damn good. It’s no Single Ladies, but it’s still worth watching. However,...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Weezer Love Snuggies Video | Indie Band’s Bizarre Marketing Ploy

You could be forgiven for thinking this is another Snuggie parody ad, but indie rockers Weezer are completely serious. Sort of.
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

Terrible Snuggie Choir Video | Snuggie Mania Sinks to New Low

The Snuggie is a global phenomena, adored by fans and derided by the rest of the world. But with footage like...
Lauren Katulka
23 sec read

Funny Snuggie Parody Video | Introducing ‘The WTF Blanket’

“The WTF Blanket is made of the exact same materials regular blankets are, but looks twice as retarded!” Whoever made this...
Iman Peera
33 sec read

Snuggie TV Advertorial Video | Stay Warm and Look Like a Wizard!

TV advertorials are known for hawking products no one really needs. In that tradition, here comes the Snuggie! The Snuggie claims...
Lauren Katulka
25 sec read

Funny Better Marriage Blanket Infomercial Video | Anti-Fart Blankets for Wedded Bliss

Infomercials are infamous for selling crazy gadgets that we never realized that we needed. From the Snuggie to the ShamWow, these...
Lauren Katulka
39 sec read