Comedy Central Launches 2 Online Comedy TV Shows

59 sec read

Baxter and MacGuireComedy Central has announced the addition of two new comedy TV shows that will be shown online through its MotherLoad Internet Video site. The two shows are Baxter and McGuire and Good God.

Baxter and McGuire is an animated comedy about two testicles that live side by side. It’s kind of funny but I can’t see it ever becoming a full on TV series. You can see an episode here.

Good God is another interesting comedy, think The Office but in heaven. This comedy series shows you the holy office meetings and mis-haps. The idea does have potential but it just feels a bit too cliché. You can see an episode of Good God here.

Unfortunately these episodes are only short at just 3 minutes long, although you can queue up a few to watch at once.

However, I’d really like to see Comedy Central actually putting up some high quality content on their MotherLoad site, rather than just short clips. Some TV Episodes would be great. It really just feels like a junkyard of short video clips and low quality comedy shows.

Going to the site you’ll also experience the MotherLoad player popping up too, I’d much prefer a link that you can click. Popups, even if it is loading the MotherLoad video player, are just awkward to deal with and not user friendly. Comedy Central could do so much better.

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