Documentary TV channels and documentary videos posted on the internet


Watch ‘Me, My Sex And I’ Disorders of Sexual Development BBC Documentary Video

Rather than thinking in terms of black and white, boy and girl, there is much more of a ‘grey area’ in...
23 sec read

Watch Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Mother Shipton & Other Psychics History Channel Documentary Video

Many people have declared to predict the future, but few are as famous as Nostradamus and ‘The Sleeping Prophet’ Edgar Cayce.
23 sec read

Watch Funny ‘6 Days to Air’ Making of South Park Documentary Trailer Video

Take a sneak peek at the trailer for a documentary on the making of South Park.
21 sec read

Stephen Hawking On ‘Curiosity’ Video | Physicist Asks, Did God Create The Universe?

This is a small snapshot of the first episode of Curiosity, which sees Stephen Hawking ask, and try to answer, the...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

‘Life In A Day’ Trailer Video | Kevin MacDonald, Ridley Scott, YouTube Doc

This is the official video trailer for Life In A Day, a feature-length documentary with footage culled from 80,000 submissions from...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Watch Would You Give Up the Internet for One Million Dollars? Video

I just want to know what the guy in the makeup is doing…
25 sec read

Watch ‘True Story of Alexander the Great’ History Channel Documentary Part 1 Video

They say that the winners writing the history books, but there aren’t many winners who are so well known as Alexander...
23 sec read

Watch John of God Film Clip on Oprah Video | NSFW Graphic Images

Content warning: This video contains graphic images of the ‘operations’ performed by John of God and may not be suitable for...
26 sec read

Watch Stephen Fry: Secret Life of the Manic Depressive Video | Navigating Mental Illness

Mental illness of any sort is often hard to understand and treated with various stigmas in society. Stephen Fry takes us...
22 sec read

Watch Dive! Dumpster Diving for Dinner Documentary Film Trailer Video | Society of Waste

“Follow filmmaker Jeremy Seifert and his circle of friends as they “dumpster dive” in the back alleys and gated garbage receptacles...
26 sec read

Watch ‘Doomsday 2012: The End of Days’ History Channel Video | Decoding the Past

Almost all of us have some thought towards the end of the world – especially with the recent pack of natural...
25 sec read

Watch Lost Worlds: Atlantis History Channel Documentary Video | Rebuilding Ancient History

The History Channel examines the remains of ancient cities, preserved for thousands of years, and poses the theory that they could...
23 sec read

Top 10 Conspiracy Theories Video | In Light Of The Alleged Death Of Osama Bin Laden…

On the same day that President Obama announced Osama Bin laden had been killed in Pakistan, conspiracy theories emerged suggesting this...
Dave Parrack
32 sec read

Watch New Official ‘Collapse’ Documentary Film HD Trailer Video | Michael Ruppert: Conspiracy Theorist or Genius?

V Former Los Angeles police officer turned independent reporter, Michael Ruppert predicted the current financial crisis when most Wall Street and...
22 sec read

Watch Awesome How TV Ruined Your Life Video | Episode 6: Knowledge

Is knowledge really power? Or has the instant news provided by TV ruined your life?
22 sec read

Yuri Gagarin Documentary Video | Soviet Cosmonaut Was The First Human In Space

On April 12, 1961, man conquered space, as Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first person ever to enter that realm....
Dave Parrack
33 sec read

Watch History Channel Mega Disasters: Yellowstone Eruption Part 1 Video

Though beautiful, Yellowstone National Park and what lies beneath it is one of the world’s most powerful weapons of mass destruction...
23 sec read

Watch How TV Ruined Your Life Episode 4: Love Video

Continuing the series How TV Ruined Your Life, we examine our concepts of love and how television has influenced that.
22 sec read

St. Patrick’s Day Video | Sláinte To All

This video is a trailer of sorts for a documentary showing a trip around Ireland. But I’ve only posted it to...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

International Women’s Day Video | “On Her Shoulders” Feminist Documentary

These days it seems women in the Western world can do pretty much anything they please. They can have any career...
Lauren Katulka
23 sec read

Watch Joan of Arc History on Biography Channel Video | France’s Virgin Warrior

As a virgin who dressed like a man and supposedly had something akin to psychic powers, Joan of Arc forever marked...
22 sec read

Watch The 5 Browns Mormon Piano Playing Family Short Documentary Video

The family that plays together stays together?
22 sec read

History Of Valentine’s Day Video | The Pagan Origins Of What Is Now A Hallmark Holiday

Valentine’s Day is upon us, and all of you in relationships will no doubt spend the day being loving towards each...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

Watch Awesome Uncontacted Tribe in Brazil Video | No Modern Human Contact

Watch video of one of the uncontacted tribes living in the Amazon, an amazing glimpse of human life untouched by the...
28 sec read

Lisa Kudrow On Who Do You Think You Are Video | Friends Star Learns Of Jewish Past

This video features a clip from Who Do You Think You Are in which Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe from Friends) traces her...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Watch Zeitgeist 3: Moving Forward (Full Movie) | Latest In Conspiracy Theory Series

I hate to call the Zeitgeist films a “conspiracy theory” series, but that is what the documentaries are. As a fan...
Iman Peera
33 sec read

Watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show Short Documentary Video

Ah, The Rocky Horror Picture Show is in the news yet again with actress Susan Sarandon claiming that the Glee creators...
21 sec read

Bohemian Grove Investigation Video | Brad Meltzer and Alex Jones Discuss ‘Decoded’

Bohemian Grove is apparently the place where the rich and powerful meet in secret to conduct all manner of strange rituals,...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Watch Awesome The Spartans Documentary Film Video | Unique City or Totalitarian Nightmare?

“Was Sparta a unique achievement or a prototype of future totalitarianism? …Historian Bettany Hughes explains Sparta’s culture, history, and downfall despite...
22 sec read

Watch ‘Earth’s Invisible Shield’ NOVA Special Video | Magnetic Storm

Scientists say that the Earth’s core is what keeps the invisible force – the Earth’s magnetic field – going. But what...
23 sec read