Documentary TV channels and documentary videos posted on the internet


Watch John Pilger’s The War You Don’t See 2010 Documentary Film Video

John Pilger’s latest documentary film, The War You Don’t See, features the government control of media and what is really happening...
28 sec read

Watch Sister Wives Reality TV Show on TLC Video | Real Life Big Love

Check out the real life Big Love on TLC’s new reality television show Sister Wives featuring real life polygamists.
25 sec read

Watch ‘WikiRebels: The Documentary’ Exclusive Rough Cut of WikiLeaks Story Video

“From summer 2010 until now, Swedish Television has been following the secretive media network WikiLeaks and its enigmatic Editor-in-Chief Julian Assange.
25 sec read

Watch Michael Crowe Case & Coerced False Confessions Documentary Video

In what is perhaps one of the most popular cases concerning aggressive interrogations resulting in false confessions, Michael Crowe was forced...
22 sec read

Watch Gobekli Tepe Temple Documentary Video | Kurdistan Sanctuary 8000 Years Older Than Pyramids

“Gobekli Tepe is a hilltop sanctuary built on the highest point of an elongated mountain ridge about 15 km northeast of...
26 sec read

Watch Secrets of the Sexes Documentary Film Video | Are Men & Women Really Different?

You would think that the science has been settled by now, but scientists are still learning about what makes men and...
23 sec read

Watch Awesome ‘Ants: Nature’s Secret Power’ Full Documentary Video | Almost Aliens

We may have known about them for ages, but ants are a super force in nature that we’re only just beginning...
23 sec read

Watch ‘Dying Inside: Elderly in Prison’ Documentary Video | Old Inmates in US Prisons

Dying Inside: Elderly in Prison explores the repercussions of the long jail sentences handed out decades ago, as the United States...
29 sec read

MTV’s True Life In Saudi Arabia (Video) | Hour-Long Special Documents Oppression

The documentary show True Life is one of the only reasons why I still occasionally watch MTV. Rather than being a...
Iman Peera
28 sec read

Strange Hippos Licking Crocodiles Video | Bizarre Wild Animal Behavior

Some things just can’t be explained, like why we yawn, why we blush when we’re embarrassed, and why hippos like to...
Lauren Katulka
24 sec read

Watch Psywar: The Battlefield Is Your Mind Documentary Video | Lies, Propaganda & Misinformation

The news these days is just as much of a production as the advertisements you see on television, but do you...
26 sec read

Joaquin Phoenix Letterman Interview Video | Affleck Admits ‘I’m Still Here’ Is A Hoax

You’ve probably already seen this video once, having watched Joaquin Phoenix being interviewed on Letterman when it first aired. However, it’s...
Dave Parrack
37 sec read

Watch Motorway Madness Mystery BBC Documentary Video | Swedish Eriksson Twins Run in M6 Traffic

“In 2008, BBC cameras filmed two Swedish sisters throwing themselves into traffic on the M6. The footage was shocking. Now, two...
21 sec read

Watch Official Trailer for Documentary Style Thriller Film ‘Catfish’ Video

Check out the official trailer of Catfish, a film that is getting a lot of mixed reviews around the net.
21 sec read

TPB AFK Teaser Trailer Video | The Pirate Bay Movie Seeks Funding From Kickstarter

TPB AFK is the name of The Pirate Bay movie, which takes the film of a documentary rather than the more...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Watch Official ‘Inside Job’ Dark Wall Street Documentary Film Trailer Video

Directed by Charles Ferguson and narrated by Matt Damon, Inside Job is a documentary film that takes a closer look at...
23 sec read

Watch Interesting ‘Introduction to Japan: The Strange Country’ Animated Documentary Video

From the creator: “This is my final thesis project. My objective is to make Japanese people to think about that everything...
24 sec read

Where Is The Aral Sea? (Video) | One Of The Largest Seas Has Dried Up

The Aral Sea, which was once the 4th largest sea in the world, is currently dry. So much in fact, that...
Iman Peera
32 sec read

Chasing Mummies Promo Video | History Documentary Follows Dr. Zahi Hawass

One of the most interesting cable TV stations is The History Channel, which has schedules full of documentaries about people, places,...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Watch New Documentary Film Trailer ‘Forks Over Knives’ Video | Cure the World?

If you could prevent future or cure current diseases in your life and for your family, would you do it?
22 sec read

How To Clean Up The Gulf Oil Spill (Video) | BP Needs To Watch This

There are some pretty ridiculous vlogs of people on YouTube suggesting how to clean up the oil spill better than BP....
Iman Peera
27 sec read

Watch Oceanos Cruise Ship Sinking Special News Report Video | Bravery & Cowardice

“The Eastern Cape coast has some of the rockiest coastal features in Southern Africa… It was on this coast that the...
22 sec read

Watch Ryan Buell Explains Demons, Spirits & Poltergeists Differences Video | Paranormal State on A&E

Ryan Buell explains the differences between the many nefarious entities Paranormal Research Society encounters.
21 sec read

Watch An Emasculating Truth Documentary Film (Vid) | Men No Longer Manly?

“According to the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, testosterone is declining in American men at the alarming rate of one...
24 sec read

The World’s Most Dangerous Drug (Video) | Scopolamine (aka Burundanga) Documentary

Besides cocaine, Colombians have a new drug problem on their hands. It’s called scopolamine (nicknamed “the devil’s breath”) and is supposedly...
Iman Peera
34 sec read

Watch Funny Simpsons 20th Anniversary Documentary Special (Video) | Greatest Cartoon Ever?

Sit down with the voice actors as well as many celebrities as they all talk about the amazing phenomenon that is...
23 sec read

Dr. Joseph Mengele Documentary Video | Nazi Doctor & Scientist Dubbed Angel Of Death

Dr. Joseph (or Josef) Mengele was a high-ranking member of the Nazi party and one dubbed the Angel of Death by...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Rare Footage of London In 1927 (Color Video) | Colorized From Black & White Silent Movie

Forget those fictional re-enactments of what life was like in the 1920’s, here’s is actual footage of the period. Is it...
Iman Peera
28 sec read

The Cove Movie Trailer Video | Ric O’Barry Pic Wins 2010 Oscar For Best Documentary

This is the video trailer for The Cove, a full-length documentary film which won the 2010 Oscar for ‘Best Documentary’ at...
Dave Parrack
36 sec read

‘Homeless’ Economics Major Lives Without Money (Video) | The ‘No Money Man’

After being inspired by the movie Ghandi, Jon Henley decided that he would try to live the rest of his life...
Iman Peera
27 sec read