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News Videos & TV

Olympics Nazi Propaganda Video – Berlin 1936 | Just 3 Years Before World War II Began

With the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games currently taking place in China, it’s interesting to look back at other Olympic Games of...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Beijing 2008 Olympics YouTube Channel | News and Interview Videos From Games

The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games has now kicked off, with the spectacular opening ceremony setting the stage for two weeks of...
Dave Parrack
38 sec read

Movies Vs Real Life – Kill Bill Video Clip | Quentin Tarantino Destroys Movie Reviewer

There’s been an argument brewing over how much influence movies, television, music, and video games can have over people in the...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Funny Man Tries To Gamble With Weed Video | Casino Cops Are Stunned

While most people who play blackjack at a casino bet chips, this man instead placed a bag of weed on the...
Iman Peera
35 sec read

FOX News Officially Busted Video | Bill O’Reilly & Sean Hannity Are “Ventriloquist Dummies”

Most of us have already known this for years, but now it’s been officially confirmed. Ex-White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan...
Iman Peera
38 sec read

“Everything You See Is Fake” Powerful Editing Video | You Thought Photoshop Was Good?

Not too long ago, I made a post that debunked a fake video of a crazy kid riding on top of...
Iman Peera
35 sec read

“Unreal!” Car Runs Into Unfazed Vietnam Veteran Video | Not A Single Broken Bone

Picture this: You’re just sitting down in your favorite coffee shop minding your own business, when all of a sudden- SLAM!...
Iman Peera
35 sec read

Funny Reporter Mocks New iPhone Buyers Video | “Have You Ever Seen A Woman Naked?”

The new 3G Apple iPhone was recently released, and already we have confrontation within the long lines to buy it. Surprisingly,...
Iman Peera
31 sec read

Shocking News Clip Video | Patient Neglected by Hospital and Dies

Yet another sad moment of shocking human behavior. Doesn’t anyone care about anyone else anymore?
22 sec read

Jim Rogers Bloomberg Interview Video | Dump The Dollar, Move To Asia

Multimillionaire investor Jim Rogers was recently interviewed on Bloomberg. Last year must have been a nice one since he sold his...
Iman Peera
37 sec read

Bagpipes Banned In Scotland! – Video Evidence Of The Problem On Edinburgh’s Royal Mile

What’s the endearing image that you have of Scotland? Men in kilts, haggis, the Loch Ness monster, and a hairy Scotsman...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Watch Interesting News Clip Video | Americans Use More Drugs than Netherlands

All I want to know is ‘Are we really all that surprised?’
24 sec read

Shocking Baby Sitting Video | Troubled Teen Posts Video Of Child Abuse

I think we can all agree, It’s a baby sitter’s job not to harm a child. But what this 16 year...
Iman Peera
39 sec read

Screw Viacom! Video | Rant on Google Ordered to Give Viacom Our Private Information

In case you hadn’t heard yet, Viacom is suing Google for the private information of YouTube users. This video is an...
25 sec read

Netherlands Fireworks Factory Disaster Video | Beautiful Yet Tragic

First watch and enjoy. Then become sick to your stomach…
Iman Peera
33 sec read

Man Sells Life On Ebay | What’s It Worth?

Ian Usher announced last March that he was essentially selling his life on ebay, which included everything from friends to a...
Julie Popp
32 sec read

The Real WALL-E Robot Assistant Video | When A Disney Film Is Real, Should We Worry?

WALL-E is a new animated feature film from Disney that shows a robot from the future whose sole mission is to...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

News Video | An Australian Life For Sale on Ebay

Now that is one big mid-life crisis.
21 sec read

Tim McGraw Kicks Out Fan | And Cocks His Fist At Him

I’ve definitely seen my fair share of stunts and pissed off lead singers from concerts; in fact, Axl Rose threatened to...
Julie Popp
27 sec read

Global Warming not Serious? | Weather Channel Founder on Global Warming

If you are a die-hard ‘global warming is happening and is caused by us’ person, I urge you to watch the...
22 sec read

AT&T Spying On Internet Traffic Video | The Government Is Reading Your Email

Former AT&T employee Mark Klein just made enemies with the NSA. While working for his company, he found out that all...
Iman Peera
31 sec read

News Video | President Bush Pardons Himself of All Warcrimes

President Bush is pardoning himself and his administration of all war crimes (connected with the torture and mistreatment of detainees) dating...
23 sec read

Barack Obama’s First General Election Advert Video | ‘Country I Love’ Starts Campaign

I’ve made my support for Barack Obama to be the next President of the United States of America very clear before...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Funny News Teleprompter Goof | Why Is Dana Off Tonight?

I’ve definitely had some good reasons for calling out of work in the past, but nothing beats getting murdered and burned...
Julie Popp
25 sec read

Flood Damage Home Video | Major Wisconsin Flood Damage to Homes and Roads

If you are not already aware, there have been major storms and flooding causing chaos in the US Midwest.
21 sec read

Funny FOX News Reporter Accident Video | Isiah Carey Has A Bug In His Mouth

Here in Atlanta, we have a funny saying, “That girl just whipped her black out!” This video brings that saying to...
Iman Peera
30 sec read

News Video | Free Gun or Free Gas With Car Purchase

Should I say it? Yeah, someone has to. Only in America.
24 sec read

Amazing 6-Year Old Saves Friend From Drowning Video | A Good Friend And A Hero

From their perspective and in their own words, these two boys share their scary near-drowning experience from what was to be...
Julie Popp
24 sec read

Unapologetic Teen Girls Finally Arrested Video | Girl Scout Robbers Strike Again

Just a few days back, a video of two teenage girls who robbed a 9 year-old girl scout surfaced. After being...
Iman Peera
26 sec read

News Documentary Video | Frontline: Growing Up Online

These are certainly interesting times we live in. We are now seeing the effects of being the online generation in terms...
22 sec read