All the different internet TV and broadband video content
Internet TV
The new version of Google Earth is upon us: Google Earth 4.2. This version adds the ability to explore the sky,...
I did not want to watch this video, but I could not help myself. I love astrology and have always been...
If there are two things that I spend too much time doing online it’s watching entertaining videos and surfing Digg. Just...
Well, if you are reading this post and watching this video, then you are already aware of the popularity of the...
American comedian Weird Al Yankovic has long been some kind of geek god with his clever song parodies. So when he...
There was a time when I watched Ren and Stimpy every chance I got. Heck, I probably still would if I...
World of Warcraft has tons of videos dedicated to it. From musical spoofs, to in game hacks and action, YouTube is...
George W. Bush, the sweet old war-loving president of the USA will probably go down in the history books as the...
For those of you who have been under a rock for the past few months, Tay Zonday’s song “Chocolate Rain” has...
We all know beauty pageant contestants don’t enter for their brains. After all, if they were intellectually gifted, they’d enter science...
With less than a week left until the Big Brother 8 final, all attention has turned to who is likely to...
I like the way this video has been made even though it ends up just being an advert for some guy’s...
First we get to watch a very close-up shot of a plane taking off from land. This very typical take off...
Both Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie have been dominating the news headlines for the past few months, and mainly for the...
There have been plenty of reports of Apple iPhone problems since the phone’s release a couple of months ago. But things...
A few weeks ago we saw Canadian Idol’s Jaydee Bixby butcher Green Days signature tune, Time Of Your Life. He may...
Lindsay Lohan Fully Loaded was the title of this video when I happened upon it. And that is to symbolize this...
Whatever happens from now until the end of Big Brother, house mate Liam is already a winning contestant, and quids in...
Facebook is rapidly becoming the social network of choice, stealing people from MySpace, Bebo and all the other copycat clones as...
Stop-motion animation almost never fails to captivate me. And it doesn’t need to be awe-inspiring or have an inspirational message to...
‘Carbon’ and ‘footprint’ are the two new buzzwords amongst proprietors of environmentally friendly living, but the majority of the world just...
Hair loss affects most men at some point in their lives. OK, it may not have got you yet as you...
Ah, the early days of the Internet. Slow dial-up connections took an eternity to connect in the first place, and once...
I did hear of a female kicker on the University of Colorado Buffalo’s college football team (Katie Hnida?); but female players...
I have to admit that I don’t like the abbreviations that seem to litter the internet. I’m not a complete stick...
The Internet was partly founded on the basis that educational establishments from around the world could share information quickly and easily,...
This is a fun little video showing an animated rendition of the dust mites song. It’s not the cleverest piece of...
The twins Sam and Amanda are either completely naive airheads or media savvy evil geniuses, I can’t out which it is....
This is one of the funniest spoof videos I’ve seen in a long time, and it made me laugh so much...
I’ve never been a big fan of TV shopping channels, but I do watch them on occasion for the entertainment value....